Monday, February 8, 2010

"Life Cycle of Common Man" by Howard Nemerov

I think this poem will be the never ending emotional cycles of mankind. Howard writes about how men leave behind things after they are gone. From material things, to words, to things that they use, he is amazed at all a human being does. The poem contains a metaphor (the world is his apple, and forces him to eat), a personification (would stagger the imagination), and imagery (cartoon's bubble of speech proceeding). Nemerov day dreams about all the things involved in a human's life and is infatuated. He wants his readers to share his fascination and reflect about his writing and relate to his opinion. The shift happens when he starts to question all the actions of humans in line 19. The title means what all humans do in their lifetime and what impact they leave. The theme is life is what you make it.

I think this poem kind of strange and used weird analogies but I liked it. The stuff that he was writing about was deep and not an ordinary poem. He actually made me think about what he was saying.

1 comment:

  1. I think Nemerov would be appalled that your theme statement for his poem made me think of a Hannah Montana song. haha! Or maybe he would find it very appropriate!
