- Title- What is the Significance? What does it mean?
- Paraphrase- Summary of the action/plot in 2-3 sentences.
- Connotative Language -Sound Devices-rhyme, alliteration, rhythm, assonance, consonance, repetition, onomatopoeia,
Figurative Language- symbol, personification, paradox, synecdoche, simile, metaphor, alegory allusion, oxymoron, parallelism, irony, imagery, metonymy, enjambment - Attitude- Tone- how the author/speaker wants you to feel
Mood- how the author/speaker feels - Shift/"Turn" in a Sonnet- a change in attitude or tone- Why? Indicated by transitions: ( ), -, and, but
- Title-Rethink its significance
- Theme- Universal truth stated in one or two complete sentences.
Scansion-analysis of rhythm in poetry
The Foot- a combination of syllables, the basic building block of poetry
- iamb(iambic)- (unstressed stressed): today, because
- trochee(trachaic)- (stressed unstressed): happy, lightly
- anapest(anapestic)- (unstressed unstressed stressed): obvious, regular
- dactye(dactylic)- (stressed unstressed unstressed): cigarette, interrupt
- spondee(spondaic)- (stressed stressed): downtown, slipshad
The Line- count feet per line
- 1 ft = monometer
- 2 ft = dimeter
- 3 ft = trimeter
- 4 ft = tetrameter
- 5 ft = pentameter
- 6 ft = hexameter
- 7 ft = heptameter
- 8 ft = octometer
- 9 ft = nonometer
The Stanza- lines per stanza
- 1 = line
- 2 = couplet
- 3 = triplet/tercet
- 4 = quatrain
- 5 = cinquain
- 6 = sestet
- 7 = septet
- 8 = octave
- Masculine = end rhyme is stressed
- Feminine = end rhyme is unstressed
- near/slant rhyme-same ending consonant but vowel sound is close (not same)
- internal rhyme- rhyme within the line
- Francis Petrarch loved Laura
- 14 lines long
- 1 octave- establishes poem
- 1 sestet- shift/turn, reveals solution
- abbabba cdecde- rhyme scheme
- Organization- general to specific, comparison/contrast, cause/effect, before/after, question and answer
- 14 lines long
- 3 quatrains
- 1 couplet
- abab cdcd efef gg- rhyme scheme
- Organization-beginning, middle,end; thesis example, example; past, present, future; morning, noon, night; birth, life, death
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